Tori Clapham's Post-Pilates Routine For Hydrated Skin

Tori Clapham's Post-Pilates Routine For Hydrated Skin

Wind down with Pilates Wizard, Tori Clapham.
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Go To Sleep invites clever, fun, delightful members of our Go-To community to take us with them on their bedtime routine, sharing their go-to tips, products, and favourite ice-cream flavours as they go. Today, we’re winding down with Tori Clapham, the founder of Peaches Pilates.

The Life Stuff

“Hello! My name is Tori! I'm the founder of Peaches Pilates, and I live in Bondi, Sydney. I'm mama to puppy dog Harry, and mama to be to a human baby coming in a few weeks. Our studio locations and online platform keep me pretty busy, but when I'm not Getting Peachy, I love to spend my time cooking and entertaining.

I'm 37 weeks pregnant and a business owner, so it usually involves me getting to the 'finish line' and then collapsing like a beached whale on the couch. However, I LOVE to cook, listen to music, and play with our puppy dog with my husband Chris. Most nights I find a lot of joy in really unwinding with music and some fresh ingredients to cook up something special for my hubby with. (And when I'm not pregnant, a good glass of wine too!) I must also admit we love committing to a brilliant tv show. We've recently been watching Morning Wars and we're utterly obsessed.

9pm is my bedtime and there's not much these days that can sway me from that. In my younger days I would party until the wee hours, but honestly there's an embarrassing amount of joy I derive from an early bedtime these days. I have a pretty strict night time routine because I am a chronic overthinker so I try to do my best to set myself up for success.

I also limit my screen time close to bed, and have 'warm light' and 'bedtime' set up on my iPhone (both have been game-changers). I never shower in bright light before bed; I use the light from a lamp in our bedroom and leave our ensuite dark. I swear by dim lighting and warm, cleansing water to help you unwind.

For me, the main thing is trying to seperate myself from work by 7/8pm. Our business is very much client-facing, and I love connecting with our community. However, I can fall into the bad habit of replying to DMs, comments, emails etc at night, which means my brain can go into overdrive. Usually it's in a positive way - like having a great new activation idea that keeps me up at night, but sometimes, if I can't detach from work and ease into my evening, I lie awake at night going over everything on my to do list, things I should have done better, or stressing about a deadline for an upcoming project. So, having 'bed time' on my iPhone stops me from seeing my notifications is a great start. I also adore 'pillow talk' with my husband, where we talk about our days or what we're excited about in our personal lives - while having a lovely cuddle before we both read and go to sleep. In my humble opinion, taking the time to chat with your partner daily in a reflective and soulful way, about something other than work (or kids etc) especially when you're both in the business together is hugely important when it comes to the health of your relationship.”

The Beauty Stuff

“I would NEVER go to bed without a hot shower or bath, and smothering myself top to toe in beautiful, nourishing products. I'm pretty lucky with my skin - but I'd say that's from not overdoing it when it comes to products and makeup (unlike my teenage years haha). My skin is normal, with a tendency to be dry if anything. I love to coat thick creams and delicious oils over my face, and it seems to respond well to that! My concerns are generally always around limiting sun damage (I've been a sunscreen devotee since my teenage years) and 'preventing' things like fine lines now that I am in my 30s.

I don't overdo it [with skin care], but I am religious with the products I do use. As I mentioned before, I'd never go to bed without clean, moisturised skin, and I have a few products I am dedicated to. Namely: Sunscreen, oil and THICCCC day/night creams!

My basic night time routine goes like this: Cleanse (I double cleanse nightly to be sure any SPF and make up is properly removed) with QV Gentle Cream Cleanser. Spritz with a skin mist. I got into misting thanks to Go-To founder Zoe's mention of them in an IGTV. (Psst! Skip to 2:16 to hear Zoe chat face mists!) Face Hero luxuriously rubbed all over my face, neck, chest and under eye area - then a coat of the Very Useful Face Cream for good measure. Thick creams bring me great joy, and I love that this one comes in a big pot which encourages liberal use! There's nothing worse than a tiny pot of cream you feel guilty for using.

[My PM routine typically takes] a few minutes, maximum. Unless I am doing my 'fancy night time routine' - where I add in things like the Go-To Swipeys, The Removalist and then a night mask such as the Aspect Probiotic Mask. Then I really relish it; taking my time, and usually start the process by masking in the bath.”
