Laura's Routine For Acne Prone Skin
Megan Kelly
Sometimes we’re lucky enough to get day-making messages from women who use Go-To. Women who love Go-To. And women who have seen out game-changing results because of Go-To.
Women like Laura! We considered keeping her story to ourselves. But we’re far too obnoxious proud for that.
“I’d never had bad skin but nearing the end of 2017, something decided it was my turn to have terribly temperamental, moody, frustrating skin. I began getting acne on and under my cheek bones regularly. It wasn’t just naughty eating or Aunt Flo’s influence, either. This was painful acne; the blind and bumpy kind.
I tried natural tea tree skin care, which just seemed to make it worse. Then chemical-ly stuff but nothing really fixed it. Naturally, I started wearing more makeup to hide it. And well, the cycle began.
I’d been following the Go To journey and been itching to get my hands on it. So one day, I came to the end of my patience, bit the bullet, and purchased some Go-To.
And so began my new routine.
In the AM: Properly Clean, Face Hero, Zincredible SPF 15.
In the PM: Properly Clean, Exfoliating Swipeys (every second or third day), Face Hero, and Very Useful Face Cream.
Every day.
At first my skin took a while to adjust to yet another attempt at fixing it. But wow, I saw results. My redness reduced that week. Within a fortnight, I had NO NEW ACNE. 30 days in, my scarring was FINALLY healing.
I can confidently say my skin and I are the happiest, healthiest and glowiest we have ever been. My skin is less prone to acne, heals faster than it ever has and looks luminous and radiant with, and most importantly without makeup.”
– Laura