5 Things That Can Dehydrate Your Skin

5 Things That Can Dehydrate Your Skin

The many (many!) causes of this common skin condition.

Dehydrated skin, as we’ve spoken about many times, is a condition that leaves the skin feeling tight, dry, and uncomfortable. Blergh. It’s annoying, but happily, given that it’s a skin condition (not a skin type) that’s caused by external factors, there’s a lot you can do to prevent it. And treat it.

The first thing on that list? Figuring out which external factors are actually causing it, and omg would you believe it we’ve already gathered them all for you below?? What luck! What fun! What are you doing?! Get your eyes down there and read it, already.

Weather Changes

Temperature can impact more than your outfit/mood/likelihood of leaving bed before 11AM. It also impacts your skin. While this is less something you can avoid, it’s certainly something you can prepare for. In the same way that you pull out your big coats and throw on a few extra layers come winter, you can up your hydration by adding in a moisture-loaded serum or a rich moisturiser.

Overdoing The Air-Con

Whether you’re in the midst of winter, or the sweaty depths of summer, if you’re relying heavily on air conditioning or heaters, this could be (definitely is) contributing to dehydrated skin. The AC tends to zap all moisture that may have been in the air, which can cause particularly dry or dull skin over time. 

Not Drinking Enough Water

While dry skin is a sign your skin is lacking oil, dehydrated skin is a sign that your skin is lacking water; inside and out! So, if you’re slacking on the ol’ hydration, your skin is going to start showing it in the form of tightness, flaking, even increased fine lines, and it means it’s a good idea to grab your emotional support water bottle and drink up.

The Wrong Routine

Uh huh. The products you pick and the way you use them can lead to dehydration for your skin as well. For example, if you’re not cleansing thoroughly or exfoliating regularly, you’re going to be left with build-up on your skin. The result? The products you follow with won’t be able to penetrate and hydrate which can lead to - you guessed it! - dehydrated skin.

Scorchy Showers

The worst for last. While a hot shower makes you feel all warm and cosy, it’s probably contributing to dehydration in your skin. Which is a good reason to tone it down and stick to warm, never fire-y temperatures. Deal? Deal.
