How To Get Your Skin In Shape For Your Wedding Day

How To Get Your Skin In Shape For Your Wedding Day

A cheat sheet from one bride-to-be to another.

You’re engaged? Congratulations! We’ll have the chicken.

Now there’s a date, flowers, and a betrothed, you’re probably starting to think about the smaller details, like prepping your hair, body and mind for the big day. And, unless you’re Rihanna, your wedding day is likely to be the most heavily photographed day of your life, so naturally you’re thinking about the shape of your skin too.

But also, the last thing you really want to worry about is your skin, and you definitely can’t afford a huge, time-intensive overhaul eitherthis is more a skincare safety net, little tweaks and the crafting of a solid, reliable routine so you can enjoy the ride but not stress yourself (or your skin) out.

Where To Start With Bridal Skincare?

One Year - Six Months

Luckily, weddings take time to plan so you’ve (usually) got the time to revise your skincare regime accordingly. Loads of skin experts will encourage you to start as early as possible (One year to six months, at least!) in your quest, so do what feels right to you.

“Find a dermal therapist you can trust and build a skin treatment plan tailored to you,” says Dermal Therapist/Glowy Skin Haver-er, Yadira Galarza Cauchi. “I’d plan external clinical treatments alongside at-home care and follow religiously. There are so many options available, and this can be quite complexso finding a skin expert to work with is key, especially [regarding] budget.”

Our experts agree earlier is better but if you do leave it late, don’t worry! Just note that this time is to set aside for testing and trialling new products and having a Skin Professional guide you will simply help smooth the path.

“I recommend you book in for a facial and we begin by creating a fresh new regimen at home which will cater to your specific skin type and concerns before your big day, along with some new self-care routines to holistically treat your mind, body, skin and soul,” says Senior Therapist/Facialist Extraordinaire, Brittany Hindmarsh of Sydney’s Onda Beauty. “Everything is connected, so choosing the right products for you is very important whilst also looking at possible causes of breakouts. Your professional should offer some options that will be right for you and your skin to create a pre-wedding facial plan for you.”

What About Treatments?

Bonus treatments (think: laser, facials and peels) are also worth exploring if you have the budget and time but Yads warns that you must account for “treatments that may require downtime” before jumping in.

“Clear and Brilliant and/or Fraxel lasers are great for skin rejuvenation (with plenty of time out from your wedding date),” Yads advises, noting your clinician help guide you in the right direction. “Microneedling, chemical peels and laser genesis are also great at prepping the skin helping with pore size, general ageing, pigmentation and even acne. Hydrafacials are fun for glowy skin closer to the date. And LED light therapy is a must for calming the skin and keeping it healthy on your entire bridal skin journey.”

Brittany agrees but also adds that if you’re nervous or unsure, there’s no harm in putting it off until after the big day too. “LED Light Therapy is always amazing, medium strength peels are great for brightening and pigmentation (although you must stay out of the sun),” she says.

Now’s also a great time to think about supplements to support skin, nail and hair health from the inside. I (Hi!) opted for a Probiotic Kakadu Plum Powder (good for antioxidants and gut health) as well as a Hair, Skin & Nail Support Liquid Supplement from Edible Beauty.

Three Months

By now you should have that reliable routine in place, filled with products you A) enjoy using, B) can rely on and C) offer long-term skin-strengthening benefits.

“I honestly believe having a high quality skincare regime at home is so under-rated,” says Brittany. “Too often I think it’s tempting to go for a new, more invasive treatment too close to the wedding when all you really need is the right products and facials to transform your skin.”

She continues: “Begin strengthening your skin at home with the right skincare. This routine could look like cleansing morning and night, an effective exfoliant (AHAs/ BHAs) two to three times a week, a brightening or strengthening serum in the morning, retinol every second night and a nourishing and rich moisturiser, plus SPF daily. After your facial your professional will be able to prescribe what will be ideal and most effective.”

Oh, and please don’t forget your body, that skin needs love too.

Four Weeks

You already know what we’re going to say: no more experimenting, no more new products, no samples and definitely no intensive treatments. Full stop.

“It’s fine to play with products while you prep for your wedding, but I’d tread with caution in that final month,” says Yads. “I also wouldn’t try any new skincare in the one week before. You may be extra stressed too, so your skincare routine needs to be something that’s working for you/you can rely on. So, while yes, I know new skincare, or samples of minis are always enticingbut it’s best to leave them to try post wedding.”

Please remember to wear your SPF and protective clothing if out and about in the sun, now's not the time for sunburn.

One(!) Week

Absolutely, under no circumstances should you be tempted to try anything new or risk anything like a facial or new serum. Stay on the course that’s worked and if stress pimples should arise, treat them carefullya gentle clay to spot treat, pimple patches and that’s it. For the love of wedding cake, do not pick or extract yourself. Now's the time to trust your makeup team and believe in the power of concealer.

