A Mum Of Twins On Her 5(ish) Minute Skincare Routine

A Mum Of Twins On Her 5(ish) Minute Skincare Routine

Three Must-Try Ingredients For Radiant Skin Reading A Mum Of Twins On Her 5(ish) Minute Skincare Routine 4 minutes Next Six Masking Commandments For Glowy, Glorious Skin

It’s no secret that new mums have very little time to themselves, tending to the needs of a tiny dictator/human (or two! Three! Nine!), day and night. But, that doesn’t mean you have to forfeit doing the things that make you feel so so good - like skincare - you just have to speed up your routine to like, 5(ish) minutes max. Yikes!

For a very real insight to getting the most out of your morning routine, we talked to Lucia Pang; content creator, mum of twins, and serial glower-er. 

Here’s how she gracefully juggles it all.

Introduce yourself!

I am a content creator from Sydney and also mum to nine-month-old twin girls!

Tell us little about your relationship with beauty.

I have dry skin, and that’s been the case since I can remember. So from quite young, I became passionate about skincare because I was constantly on the lookout for effective products that would bring my skin adequate hydration. My mum was also a bit of a beauty and skin junkie so she introduced me to a lot of products and regimes I still love to this day!

Now as a mum myself, I look for simple, multi-functional and clean products as time and health is more valuable than ever. I am definitely more conscious about not only what I’m putting in and on my body but the girls’ bodies too.

You’re a new mum (Congratulations!), how do you carve out ‘me-time’ for yourself with two new family members?

Parenthood is experiencing the highest highs and lowest lows. These have been the most magical yet hardest months of my life and I’m sure all new mums can relate. What I find helps me is prioritising those activities, hobbies or just moments that make yourself feel you again. For me, that is usually having a long bath, doing my skincare routine, enjoying a glass of wine with my husband, reformer pilates during the week, lunch with a friend etc. 

Finding the time is harder on some days than others, but I find it’s great for my mental health and while I appreciate it’s not always possible for all families, I think it helps when I have some healthy time away and allow myself to miss them. Also accepting help from others! We’re incredibly lucky to have an amazing support network and live near our parents and closest friends, who are always more than happy to babysit.

What’s the best piece of beauty advice you ever (or never) received?

Don’t neglect other parts of your body

The older I get, the more conscious I am about taking care of my neck, décolletage, hands, stomach, legs… you name it. I go to bed now fully moisturised, head to toe. After twins I’ve become extremely fond of having a routine specifically for my stomach and legs for extra firmness, and to help with stretch marks and dehydration.

What’s your current morning skincare routine?

Honestly, most of the time I just splash some lukewarm water on my face when I wake up because I like to hold onto every minute of sleep as a mum. Then when the twins go down for their first nap around 9:30am, I take the time to really enjoy my skincare routine. Uninterrupted! 

I love Fancy Face as it gets off my overnight sleeping mask without stripping my dry skin of moisture. I then spritz Prep Step (which I carry around with me all day when I feel like I need a skin pick me up!), before hydrating my skin with Face Hero followed by Very Useful Face Cream. Face Hero has got to be one of my fave products ever because it just brings life to my skin! I slather it on as a facial oil before bed and in the morning I like to use it before my makeup as it gives me that beautiful effortless glow. And as always, finish with Nifty Fifty SPF!

Face Hero

Face Oil

Face Hero is a terrifically powerful, fantastically lightweight face oil that deeply hydrates, soothes, revitalizes, balances, and protects. (Overachiever.)

Face Hero Face Go-To Skincare

Go-To Nifty Fifty SPF 50 Broad Spectrum High Protection Sunscreen. ALWAYS READ THE LABEL AND FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS FOR USE.

Avoid prolonged sun exposure, and make sure you re-apply frequently in accordance with directions. Remember, sunscreen is only one component of sun protection so always wear a hat, protective clothing and eyewear when you’re in the sun.
